

The components in this catalog are manufactured with ceramic dielectrics. To minimize possible damage to the components, during installation, the recommendations below should be followed. For information concerning other installation requirements or component modifications, please consult LCA customer service at Email: Sales1@lcamic.com.

General Recommendations
Handling:           Excessive force or direct impact to the component may result in breakage. Lead bending or cutting, if necessary, should be done with a support for the lead to prevent mechanical stress to the component. Components with required lead modifications are available from LCA.
Lead Soldering:      Use a temperature controlled soldering iron with SN60 or SN63 RMA Flux core wire. Maximum soldering temperature to be 500°F(260°C) with a dwell time of 3 seconds maximum. The use of a heat sink between the component body and the solder joint is highly recommended.
Flux Removal:       Optimum flux removal can be achieved by vapor degreasing the components immediately after the soldering operation. Total immersion of the components is not recommended.
1) Bushing Mount Recommendations
Rotating force of installation--- When install the filter on the septum or faceplate, should used the recommended rotating force. This is very important, or the filter would be damaged due to the changed shell. When install it in to the threaded hole, the maximum Install torque should be 50% of which recommended to the nut.
  Installation tool--- Hexagonal filter should be installed with a fit drive pipe. The round should use the following method (should not be installed with pinchers, in case the filter should be damaged).
  Round filter with slotting on the top should be presses in threaded hole use a simple special tool.
  Ground connection---In order to ensure the filter proper functioning, the shell of the filter should be long enough to be connected to the ground, so that provide the effective way for the interference. Using adhesive locking is not recommended, in that case, it should be used after the filter has been installed.
The minimum thickness of plating---The user should note that there is tool withdrawal groove between the thread and the shell. When the thickness which is pressed into the board less than the tool withdrawal groove, there should be a problem exist. So, if possible, the thickness of the board should over the length of the tool withdrawal groove.
The maximum thickness of plating---This index is used to insure conditions include using washer; nut can completely match the tooth.
2) Solder Mount Recommendations
It should be controlled and prevented the filter not affected by the break heat shock result in the ceramic damaged inside the filter during soldering.
The speed should be control at 2℃/sec when preheating temperature. In fact, there is also successful examples that use 1.5 ~ 4℃/sec on different boards and components. Welding materials can be SN60, SN62 or similar ones.

3) Solder Terminal Block

No matter thread type or welding directly type, please focus on the followings:
The temperature of soldering iron should not over 300℃and the longest time is 3 ~ 5 sectry best to reduce the risk of damaging the filter by the heat shock.
Welding materials can be SN60, SN62 or similar ones.
Using radiator between the soldering point and the shell if possible, especially important when welding time is longer.
How to trim and curve block
It should be held up while it is trimmed and not be curved within 4mm closed to the epoxy sealed.

              More techinical problems, please consult   sales1@lcamic.com

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